The Towel Bar is the best place to keep your towels and robes while you soak in your hot tub. You simply attach it to the side of your tub and your'e in business. The Towel Bar will keep your towels clean and dry.
The Towel Bar is the best place to keep your towels and robes while you soak in your hot tub. You simply attach it to the side of your tub and your'e in business. The Towel Bar will keep your towels clean and dry.
Arctic Spas
MAY 2018 PROMO INSTRUCTIONS, click here Beautiful, thick and fluffy. These fantastic towels ar
Arctic Spas
This is a great gift idea. 2 - Arctic Spa Towels and 2 - Arctic Spa Plastic Wine Glasses &
Arctic Spas
Solo bars are the perfect compliment for your spa and add the finishing touches to your backyard ret
Arctic Spas
A must have for hot tubbing! This robes are nice and thick. Includes hood for those extr
Arctic Spas
Convenient and Secure Storage Just Over the Edge The SmartBar comes standard with our SmartDrawer fo
Arctic Spas
Side coupler for most of the Leisure Concepts Covermates. Hardware NOT Included.
Arctic Pure
Arctic Spas Test strips test the water for chlorine, bromine, total alkalinity, and pH. It is
Arctic Spas
Replaceable heater element 5.5 kw